Using Termrc For Iterm Environments

I was looking for a way to automate my iTerm environment on a per project basis and I happened to stumble upon termrc. It’s a really nifty ruby gem that uses a config file to start an iTerm environment.

I split my iTerm window into 4 panes when working on a rails project. 1 server, 1 console, 1 resque worker and 1 console for bash commands. This can be programmatically accomplished by using a simple configuration in a Termfile (YAML).

# /your/project/root/Termfile


  server: bundle exec rails s
  console: bundle exec rails c
  worker: echo "space for worker"
  bash: echo "Run your git/bundle/bower here"

  - [ server , console ]
  - [ worker , bash ]

You can initialize your work environment using:

termrc start /your/project/root/Termfile

Additionally I added a shell script to perform tasks before starting the iTerm work environment

#! /usr/bin/env bash

cd $ROOT && G_STATUS="$(git status | grep clean)"
EXPECTED_G_STATUS='nothing to commit, working directory clean'
        cd $ROOT && git fetch
        cd $ROOT && bundle install

        cd $ROOT && bundle exec rake db:migrate
        cd $ROOT && bundle exec rake db:migrate PRODUCT=recruit
        cd $ROOT && bundle exec rake bower:update

termrc start ~/Termfile