- You need to create an AWS EC2 server (Ubuntu 14.04) with add an EBS.
- Make sure you have port 80 opened in the inbound section of the security groups.
- Follow instructions to make your server secure. (optional)
- I have mounted my EBS at /mnt/data and I am using /mnt/data/blog/current as the root directory for the ghost application.
- Install nginx
- Here’s my nginx config. It’s pretty barebones just to make stuff work. You can copy it as it is or make more advanced changes to it.
Install node version manager on the server and install node v0.10.42.
Install pm2 globally on the node server
Install ghost to your local machine. Follow the instructions here.
Initiate a git repo
Make sure your you ignore the files not required
- Add capistrano to your project to help with deployments.
I am using ruby 2.1.5 using rvm in my local environment
The Gemfile looks like this
Initialize capistrano
Only the production environment was of relevance for me, so I deleted config/deploy/staging.rb
The config/deploy/production.rb should looks like this
The config/deploy.rb looks like this
Add a file /lib/tasks/pm2.cap. This basically takes care of monitoring your node application.
- Add capistrano-npm and pm2.cap to the Capfile
Add a start.sh script to your project root
- If there are no errors your ghost blog should be available at the public ip of your EC2 instance